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Your Custom Abutment Business

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 FDA Cleared Implant Components from Leading Manufacturers  

Custom Implant Abutment Solution

With the Axsys Dental Solutions Custom Abutment Manufacturing System you can stop out-sourcing your implant abutment business and increase your profits by as much as 300%.

Couple the accuracy and rigidity of our VersaMILL Precision Dental Machining Centers with the highly-efficient and comprehensive machining templates developed by our expert team of Application Engineers to quickly produce custom abutments from NT-Trading FDA registered blanks and our 6-Unit abutment fixture; the quality of which will astonish patients and customers alike.

Single-unit Pre-form Abutment Blanks

NT-Trading, NT-Preform® single-unit pre-milled abutment blanks are ideal for fabricating hybrid abutments and screw-retained crowns and can also be used in bridge frameworks.

NT-Preform abutment blanks are made of high quality Grade 5 titanium and are available for the most popular implant systems. System components include; groove indexed lab analog's, milling screws, abutment screws and abutment fixture grips for use in our versatile 6-position abutment fixture.

Additional system features include:
  • Complete customized abutment libraries.
  • Compatible with the most popular CAD/CAM systems.
  • Robust machining templates.
  • Precision 6-unit fixture.

Custom, Precision Multi-Unit Fixture

The latest version of our NT-Abutment cartridge for the VersaMILL 5X-200 introduces many advantages and improvements over the standard product provided by NT-Trading.

Our abutment manufacturing system utilizes the same base fixture utilized for zirconia cartridges. This time and money saving approach, coupled with the ability to easily swap between the VersaMILL’s dual coolant tanks makes transitioning between machining titanium abutment blanks and zirconia easier than ever.

The abutment cartridge mounts directly into the standard VersaMILL 5X-200 fixture so there is no need for technicians to go through a complicated and lengthy calibration routine.

Custom fixture features include:
  • Highly accurate one piece design eliminates stack tolerance errors
  • Cartridge is finished machined directly on each mill ensuring positional accuracy without complicated setup.
  • Fully compatible with NT-Trading abutment inserts, analogs, and blanks.
  • Alignment pins ensure repeatable accuracy.
  • Sub-30 Micron repeatability possible.
  • Blank is fully supported by both the analog and tailstock greatly improving rigidity and surface finish.
  • Tailstock is designed so that any rotational forces induced during milling are NOT applied directly to the interface.
  • Modular design allows labs and milling centers to mix and match different size abutments and platforms in a single setup.

Superior Abutment Manufacturing Capability

Automated Machining of Even the Most Severe Abutment Designs.

Machining Templates

Over 40 years of digital design and manufacturing experience enables us to provide the most comprehensive custom abutment machining solution handling the widest variety of design features and abutment characteristics.

Couple Axsys expertise with the quality and precision of Versamill machine technology to produce restoration of superior quality:

Enhanced Abutment Libraries

Our team of expert Dental, CAD/CAM and manufacturing experts have leveraged our 40 years of experience to provide significant enhancements to the standard deliverable abutment design and machining libraries. These modifications include enhancements to the user interface, milling strategies, CAD libraries and more and greatly improve robustness, restoration quality, tool life, surface finish, machine time and reliability.

Our enhanced CAD libraries virtually eliminates hand-finishing and provides significantly more flexibility in abutment design.


Robust Milling Templates to Process Even the Most Complex Cases

Complex Design: Case 1
  • Extreme Subgingival Radius.
  • Near Vertical Supragingival
  • Occlusal Undercut.
Complex Design: Case 2

Small subgingival concave radius requires special tooling and consideration of machining conditions.

Complex Design: Case 3
  • Large Divergence Angle.
  • Extreme Depth Requires Special
         Rough & Finish Machining
  • Supragingival Machining
Complex Design: Case 4
  • Subgingival Undercuts.
  • Large "Clocking" Channel.

Examples of the Quality You can Expect

"Off the Machine" Image of
Highly Divergent Custom Abutment
Highlights Quality & Completeness of Machining
"Off the Machine" Image of
Highly Divergent Custom Abutment
Highlights Quality & Completeness of Machining
"Off the Machine" Image of
Highly Divergent Custom Abutment
Highlights Quality & Completeness of Machining
"Off the Machine" Image of
Highly Divergent Custom Abutment
Highlights Quality & Completeness of Machining
"Off the Machine" Image of
Highly Divergent Custom Abutment
Highlights Quality & Completeness of Machining
"Off the Machine" Image of
Highly Divergent Custom Abutment
Highlights Quality & Completeness of Machining
"Off the Machine" Image of
Highly Divergent Custom Abutment
Highlights Gingival Margin Integrity
& Smooth Blend to Post.
"Off the Machine" Image of
Highly Divergent Custom Abutment
Highlights Gingival Margin Integrity
Fine Transgingival Surface Finish
& Smooth Blend to Post.
"Off the Machine" Image of
Highly Divergent Custom Abutment
Highlights Gingival Margin Integrity,
User-defined Cementation Grooves & Smooth
Blend to Post.
"Off the Machine" Image of
Highly Divergent Custom Abutment
Highlights Fine Transgingival Surface Finish
& Smooth, Tangential Blend to Interface.
"Off the Machine" Image of
Highly Divergent Custom Abutment
Highlights Fine Transgingival Surface Finish
& Smooth Blend to Interface.
"Off the Machine" Image of
Highly Divergent Custom Abutment
Highlights Gingival Margin Integrity,
User-defined Cementation Grooves & Smooth
Blend to Post.
"Off the Machine" Image of
Highly Divergent Custom Abutment
Highlights Gingival Margin Integrity,
User-defined Cementation Grooves & Smooth
Blend to Post.
"Off the Machine" Image of
Highly Divergent Custom Abutment
Highlights Gingival Margin Integrity
& Fine Transgingival Surface Finish.
"Off the Machine" Image of
Highly Divergent Custom Abutment
Highlights Fine Transgingival Surface Finish.
Sub-micron Surface Finishes
Image of Surface Finish Test by
Laser interferometer showing 0.9µm Ra
Transgingival Surface Finish.

Ra is the arithmetic average deviation of the
surface valleys and peaks and is used to
specify the roughness of a machined surface.
See Our Solution in Action
Custom Abutment Machining from NT-Trading
NT-Preform Blank on the Versamill 5X200
Precision Dental Machining Center.

High-quality FDA Cleared Products for
Implant Supported Restorations from

Dental Smart Solution

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Providing support for over 32 compatibilities

with repeatable precision and superior engagement

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DESS Pre-milled Blanks are available in Titanium Grade 5 ELI (extra low interstitial) in 10 and 14mm diameter and Micromelt CrCo 14mm diameter. The Micro Melt Cobalt-Chrome alloy has no internal tension, so however radical your design is, the final custom abutment will preserve the shape along the process resulting in a lower probability of ceramic cracks.

DESS Pre-milled blank is an excellent choice for your digital projects, with a full assortment of Titanium Grade V ELI (extra low interstitial) and the exclusive Micro Melt Cobalt-Chrome.
• Available in 32 compatibilities.
• Available in Titanium 10mm and 14mm diameter with 20mm millable length.
• Available in CoCr 14mm diameter with 20mm millable length.

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DESS Ti Bases provide a new interface line designated to provide security and adjustment, without increasing the cost of the prosthesis. Ti Bases help save time when working on the most sensitive part of the prosthesis, the adjustment with the implant.

The DESS Ti Base measurements and design ensures a stable union, reinforcing the structure of zirconium in the areas of greatest stress, softening edges and ensuring the service life of the prosthesis.

The SelectGrip® surface provides greater adhesion of the structure with the cement. Ti Base models are available for most of the implant connections in diameters NP, RP and WP for both, single tooth prosthesis (engaging) and multiple teeth prosthesis, dental bridges and hybrids (non-engaging).

DESS titanium bases support Exocad®, 3Shape®, Dental Wings®, and Blenderfordental®, enabling seamless digital dentistry integration.


DESS ® Multiunit abutments are available in many connections. Compatible with the major brands existing in the market. They allow the height level to be raised and transform the connection to meet the needs of special clinical cases.

They are available in straight and angled (17º and 30º) versions, engaging and non-engaging, from 1 to 5mm collar height depending on the implant system. All of them are made with the Titanium Grade 5 ELI and some come with DLC coated screw.

The DESS Free Multiunit ® and Dess Uniabutment ® libraries allow the design of multiple screw retained restorations in most of the CAD/CAM systems.

DESS offers the most comprehensive range of Multi-unit abutments, which are perfect for partial and full arch restorations. Available in Straight version, non-engaging and Angled version engaging.
• Available in 14 compatibilities.
• Available in 5 different gingival heights.

Screws: Our screws are the backbone of the Pure Switch concept with an identical geometry to the original ones. This includes the footprint for the original screwdriver tip, the seat angle, diameter, length and metrics, amongst other specifications. Made of Titanium grade V ELI with DLC coating and TIN finish to increase preload at the recommended torque.

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This scan body is made of titanium that includes ZrN coating to reduce glitter effects and is designed for both intraoral and desktop scanning.

It has a fixed internal screw for hand tightened.

This scan body comes with the Manual Tool for Intraoral Scan abutment, DTPEIPEEK-P2, is made of PEEK and helps as a carrier to position the intraoral scan abutment on an implant.


DESS Intra Oral Scan Bodies are 100% PEEK with no reflective surface or glare.

Titanium and PEEK with titanium connection surfaces become reflective, creating glare and distortion over time.

By using only PEEK we ensure an accurate distortion free scan every time.

The product is extremely strong and reusable due to the strength and long term durability of PEEK which has been used in the medical and dental profession for years.

All other intra oral scan bodies have a screw access hole at the top which results in inaccurate scans because there is greater Z axis distortion.

DESS scan bodies have a low profile. At only 10mm in total length from the implant connection and is 4mm in diameter. Size allows easier use in the posterior.

Available for single and multiunit cases where accuracy is paramount.

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DESS® presents a line of Analogs made of stainless steel AISI 303.

The Analogs have a head that reproduces the implant system joint and have a gentle retaining area to easily position the soft gum in the working model.

All DESS® Analogs have an effective circuit and self-locking cross retainers that, inside the plaster, provide extraordinary embedding even in cases of abutment drilling on model.

The discrete size can be easily fitted, despite the implants being close together or not parallel.

DESS specially designed 3D Analogue comes with a hex screw to guarantee that the analogue is positioned at the bottom of the model

— Available in 32 compatibilities.

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DESS patented screwdrivers combine the best of the parallel & the conical screwdrivers.

All DESS screwdrivers are manufactured in Stainless Hardened Steel for increased durability and wear resistance.

DESS® Screwdrivers:
• Better clamping
• Durability
• Screw head protectio

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DESS has developed the new dentist handle with a high retention system. When inserting the screwdriver’s interchangeable tip, a small twist must be made and the screwdriver pressed until the tip is fully seated in the handle.

To facilitate cleaning and sterilisation after each use in the clinic, the new handle has a recess on the back which allows it to be completely disassembled into three parts with a Torx 10 screwdriver: the screwdriver body, the bit-retaining body and the ring.

This means that after use in the clinic, the screwdriver can be bagged in a disassembled state before being put into the autoclave and easily reassembled in just a few seconds after sterilisation.

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Excellent Support

Development dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus ac fringilla nulla, sit amet consequat eros. Pellentesque pharetra blandit commyolk. Phasellus massa nisl, feugiat ac bibendum et, dictum id ipsum. Quisque sit amet accumsan tortor It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged many web sites.

Nullam turpis. Cras dapibus, orci rutrum adipiscing luctus, nisl magna tempus urna, id porttitor nunc arcu et mauris. Suspendisse id justo id nisi suscipit porttitor. Pellentesque aliquet, leo id vestibulum eleifend, magna sem iaculis risus, quis volutpat turpis quam in tortor. Morbi euismod nulla aliquet felis. Sed nisi neque, fermentum sit amet, vestibulum et, pretium sit amet, tortor. Nulla egestas pede. Phasellus ac enim. Vivamus risus. Aliquam lacinia ante quis nibh. Curabitur velit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

High-quality FDA Cleared Products for
Implant Supported Restorations from

Providing Clinical Peace of Mind

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510(K) Cleared Product with Complete OEM Compatibility

Lifetime Component Warrnty

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Open Implant®-Premill

Indications and Features
• For cases with unique anatomical considerations or irregularities
• For achieving optimal esthetic results in anterior tooth restorations
• When a customized emergence profile is necessary
• Libraries available for 3Shape and exocad
• Available for both iMes iCore and Versa 5x milling machines
• Screws are compatible with platform respective OEM drivers
• Screw(s) included

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   Gingival height options for various patient situations

Titanium Base Sets

Simply customizable. Simpler inventory.

Maximize the height for each restoration

• Customize the height of the Ti-base up to 8 or 10 mm
• Gingival height options for various patient situations
• For a streamlined workflow—use with scan bodies and library files for each   height
• Engaging flat to ensure anti-rotation
• Cement groove for excess cement
• Set includes one screw
• Screw is compatible with implant manufacturer driver

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    Engaging                   Non-Engaging

ASC Titanium Base Sets

Perform a screw-retained restoration in almost any situation

Open Implants Sherlock Titanium Bases (Ti-Base) and Angled Screw Channel (ASC) Titanium Bases are intended for the restoration of compatible dental implants.

Sherlock abutments are intended to be used in conjunction with endosseous dental implants in the maxillary or mandibular arch to provide support for single-unit or multi-unit prosthetic restorations.

• 4 custom chimney height options up to 8mm
• Angulation up to 30°
• Gingival height options for various patient situations
• Engaging flat to ensure anti-rotation
• Cement groove for excess cement
• Driver designed to work with our entire range of ASC platforms
• Set includes one screw

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    Engaging                   Non-Engaging

Multi-Unit Components

Compatible with Nobel Biocare® Multi units

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Excellent Support

Development dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus ac fringilla nulla, sit amet consequat eros. Pellentesque pharetra blandit commyolk. Phasellus massa nisl, feugiat ac bibendum et, dictum id ipsum. Quisque sit amet accumsan tortor It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged many web sites.

Nullam turpis. Cras dapibus, orci rutrum adipiscing luctus, nisl magna tempus urna, id porttitor nunc arcu et mauris. Suspendisse id justo id nisi suscipit porttitor. Pellentesque aliquet, leo id vestibulum eleifend, magna sem iaculis risus, quis volutpat turpis quam in tortor. Morbi euismod nulla aliquet felis. Sed nisi neque, fermentum sit amet, vestibulum et, pretium sit amet, tortor. Nulla egestas pede. Phasellus ac enim. Vivamus risus. Aliquam lacinia ante quis nibh. Curabitur velit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

High-quality FDA Cleared Products for
Implant Supported Restorations

from Arum Dentistry

Simply Smarter

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Providing support for over 80 implant systems with more than 500 connections

with repeatable precision and superior engagement

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Milling blank for individual one-piece titanium abutments used in the CAM process.


Precision prefabricated implant interface.

Available in 10.0mm and 14.0mm diameters.

High precision with 5 micron tolerances.

Highly esthetic emergence profiles

Includes both millling and clinical screws


Approved by FDA, CE, ISO 9001, ISO 13485


Primary telescopes on implants.

Mesio-structures for crowns and bridges.

Occlusal screwable structures.


Ti 6AI-4V ELI (ASTM F 136)


ARUM presents a complete line of Ti-bases designed to provide security and adjustment, without increasing the cost of the prosthesis.

Additional savings are realized as less time is requiured to work on the most sensitive part of the prosthesis—the adjustment with the implant.

Designed specifically to ensure a stable union, reinforcing the structure of zirconium in the areas of greatest stress, softened edges and extended service life of the prosthesis.


Titanium interface abutment

2 Screws included (Angled screw / Straight screw)

Precision machined up to ± 5µm

Superior level of biocompatibility

Exterior retentions for more cementation bonding


For individual glued ceramic abutments (zirconia lithium disilicate) or synthetics (PMMA, PEEK, composite)


Ti 6AI-4V ELI (Grade 5)

Approved by FDA, CE, ISO 9001, ISO 13485

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ARUM presents a complete line of Ti-bases designed to provide security and adjustment, without increasing the cost of the prosthesis. Furthermore, the saving is also shown in the less time needed when working on the most sensitive part of the prosthesis, the adjustment with the implant. Specific design ensures a stable union, reinforcing the structure of zirconium in the areas of greatest stress, softening edges and ensuring the service life of the prosthesis.


Self – centering conical connection.

Maximum flexibility of divergent implant positions.

2 Screws included (Angled screw / Straight screw)

Precision machined up to ± 5µm

Superior level of biocompatibility

Exterior retentions for more cementation bonding




Non-engaging structures.


Ti 6AI-4V ELI (ASTM F 136)

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ARUM scanbodies represent the position and orientation of the respective dental implant or analog in the CAD/CAM scanning process. This helps the CAD/CAM software to correctly align the subsequent CAD/CAM restorations.

ARUM scanbody ensures that it is optimised for a wide range of optical scanners.


High accuracy

Free remote library setup

More than 500 implant connections

Different shape geometry ensures a perfect transfer in CAD software in case of incomplete scanning detection.


Scanbody for model scanning.


Stainless Steel 303F

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The Arum intraoral scanbody is specifically designed with an internal spinal thread, which prevents detachment and loss of screw once it is tightened and fully engaged to the implant fixture

The lower body of the intra-oral scanbody is concave shaped. This minimizes pressure on the patient’s gum during setting of the scanbody, thereby reducing experienced pain and securing a broader gingival area for future implant placement.

The holder allows the dentist to quickly and easily set the intra-oral scanbody into the implant fixture. This is especially effective for challenging cases such as the most distal molar.

The “A” Line of the ARUM intra-oral scanbody provides an indicator to the operator to check for a complete connection to the implant fixture and thereby ensuring a more precise prosthesis.


Fixture Connection Indicator on scanbody - A-line

Inner Thread for Screw Holding

Concave Neck Design


Scanbody Holder included


Scanbody for model scanning.


Ti 6AI-4V ELI (ASTM F 136)

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Digital Implant Model-Analog available for 24 implant systems.


Implant analog for digital model manufacturing..

Anti-rotational design.

Precision machined up to ± 5μ

Positional adjustment possible.

Analog design supports precise repositioning of removable gingiva mask.


For 3D print & stone model


Stainless Steel 303F

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Excellent Support

Development dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus ac fringilla nulla, sit amet consequat eros. Pellentesque pharetra blandit commyolk. Phasellus massa nisl, feugiat ac bibendum et, dictum id ipsum. Quisque sit amet accumsan tortor It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged many web sites.

Nullam turpis. Cras dapibus, orci rutrum adipiscing luctus, nisl magna tempus urna, id porttitor nunc arcu et mauris. Suspendisse id justo id nisi suscipit porttitor. Pellentesque aliquet, leo id vestibulum eleifend, magna sem iaculis risus, quis volutpat turpis quam in tortor. Morbi euismod nulla aliquet felis. Sed nisi neque, fermentum sit amet, vestibulum et, pretium sit amet, tortor. Nulla egestas pede. Phasellus ac enim. Vivamus risus. Aliquam lacinia ante quis nibh. Curabitur velit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Advance Through Innovation

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NT Digital Implant Technology

High-quality FDA Cleared Products

for Implant Supported Restorations

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Milling blank for individual one-piece titanium abutments used in the CAM process.


Precise prefabricated implant interface.

Available in two different gingiva heights.

Individual abutment design by prosthetical terms.

Optimal interface protection by bilateral fixing in preform holder during the milling process.


Primary telescopes on implants.

Mesio-structures for crowns and bridges.

Occlusal screwable structures.


Titanium Grade 5 ELI


For implant supported individual hybrid abutments.


Engaged unit.

For individual abutment designs.

Large glue surface providing durable solid connection to the base.

For conventional use as well as for use in the CAD/CAM process.


For individual glued ceramic abutments (zirconia lithium disilicate) or synthetics (PMMA, PEEK, composite)


Titanium Grade 5 ELI

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Angle compensation for divergent implants available in different gingiva heights and angled version


Self – centering conical connection.

Maximum flexibility of divergent implant positions.

Stressless fitting by optional adhesive connection (female part).

Female part compatible between the different implant systems and diameters.

Force application caused by tube shape and integrated screw (Straight Abutment) or mounted screw (Angled Abutment).




Non-engaging structures.


Titanium Grade 5 ELI

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Scanbody for high-precision implant position transfer.


Exact positioning by metal interface.

Conceived for intra-oral scanners.

Screw integrated.

X-ray detectable.

Rotatable to facilitate interproximal crowding.

Different shape geometry ensures a perfect transfer in CAD software in case of incomplete scanning detection.


Scanbody for model scanning.

Scanbody for inter-oral scanning.

Non-engaging structures.


Tolerance 2-3µm

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Digital Implant Model-Analog available for 24 implant systems.


Implant analog for digital model manufacturing in the model builder library.

Two-piece repositionable implant analog.

Precise positioning.

Positional adjustment possible.

Analog design supports precise repositioning of removable gingiva mask.


For model manufacturing in digital workflow.

Scanbody for inter-oral scanning.

Non-engaging structures.


Stainless steel

Titanium Grade 5 ELI.

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Improvements in all areas of implant technology.

The nt-trading company focuses on the development and the production of premium products in the field of dental implant technology. More and more customers all over the world benefit from our high standards in quality, precision and innovation. With our products we improve prosthetic production processes and optimize the prosthetic treatment possibilities.

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Starter Packages

We've put together some money saving starter packages containing the key components of our abutment machining solution.

All components are compatible with the NT-Trading fixture for the VersaMILL and other supported milling machines and designed to provide you with all that is necessary to get you up and running as quickly and easily as possible.

Components include:

  • Custom Versamill precision abutment fixture.
  • Abutment grip inserts.
  • Required tools and holding screws.
  • Custom machining templates for all supported implant systems.
  • NT-Preforms with (1) Lab Analog per interface.
  • Titanium Tooling Package
Basic Fixture Starter Package

1. Package does NOT include Abutment Grip Inserts.
2. Fixture Insert Finish Machined on Your VersaMILL.
3. Inspected and Assembled for Complete Accuracy
    and Repeatability.

Package Contents
6-Unit Fixture w/Calibration Unit & Cartridge Blank.
Rough-machined Versamill Cartridge Blank w/Finishing Fixture Toolpath, Inspection & Assembly.
Titanium Tooling Package: (2) 3mm, (1) 2mm, (1) 1.5mm, (1) 1.0mm TiSin Ball Nose Endmills.
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Basic Fixture Starter Package

1. Fixture Insert Finish Machined on Your VersaMILL.
2. Inspected and Assembled for Complete Accuracy
    and Repeatability.

Package Contents
6-Unit Fixture w/Calibration Unit & Cartridge Blank.
Rough-machined Versamill Cartridge Blank w/Finishing Fixture Toolpath, Inspection & Assembly.
Titanium Tooling Package: (2) 3mm, (1) 2mm, (1) 1.5mm, (1) 1.0mm TiSin Ball Nose Endmills.
(1) Each Abutment Grip Inserts: 3.5mm, 4.3mm or 5.0mm.
Screw & Wrench Set. Includes: (9) Analog Holding Screws, (4) Fixture Grip Holding Screws, Hex Wrench Set & Fixture Grip Wrench.
Lab Analog (Nobel Replace Select® Compatible).
Axsys Dental Solutions Expert Abutment Machining Templates.
NT-Preform w/ Milling Screw (4.3mm Nobel Replace Select® Compatible).
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Complete System Abutment Starter Package

1. Fixture Insert Finish Machined on Your VersaMILL.
2. Inspected and Assembled for Complete Accuracy
    and Repeatability.

Package Contents
6-Unit Fixture w/Calibration Unit & Cartridge Blank.
Rough-machined Versamill Cartridge Blank w/Finishing Fixture Toolpath, Inspection & Assembly.
Titanium Tooling Package: (2) 3mm, (1) 2mm, (1) 1.5mm, (1) 1.0mm TiSin Ball Nose Endmills.
(2) Each Abutment Grip Inserts: 3.5mm, 4.3mm or 5.0mm.
Screw & Wrench Set. Includes: (18) Analog Holding Screws, (4) Fixture Grip Holding Screws, Hex Wrench Set & Fixture Grip Wrench.
(1) Each All Supported Lab Analogs.
Axsys Dental Solutions Expert Abutment Machining Templates.
(1) Each All Supported NT-Preform w/ Milling Screw.
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Fixture Insert Grips
Insert Grip 3.5mm
Replace Select® Lab Analog 3.5mm NP
SynOcta® Lab Analog 3.5mm NN
Bone Level® Lab Analog 3.3mm NC
Astra® Lab Analog 3.5mm/4.0mm
Zimmer® Lab Analog 3.5mm
3i Certain® Lab Analog 3.4mm
Nobel Active® Lab Analog 3.5mm NP
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Insert Grip 4.3mm
Replace Select® Lab Analog 4.3mm RP
SynOcta® Lab Analog 4.8mm RN
Bone Level® Lab Analog 4.1mm/4.8mm
Astra® Lab Analog 4.5mm/5.0mm
Zimmer® Lab Analog 4.5mm
3i Certain® Lab Analog 4.1mm
Nobel Active® Lab Analog 4.3/5.0mm RP
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Insert Grip 5.0mm
Replace Select® Lab Analog 5.0mm WP
SynOcta® Lab Analog 6.5mm WN
Zimmer® Lab Analog 5.7mm
3i Certain® Lab Analog 5.0mm
Buy Now!

Excellent Support

Development dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus ac fringilla nulla, sit amet consequat eros. Pellentesque pharetra blandit commyolk. Phasellus massa nisl, feugiat ac bibendum et, dictum id ipsum. Quisque sit amet accumsan tortor It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged many web sites.

Nullam turpis. Cras dapibus, orci rutrum adipiscing luctus, nisl magna tempus urna, id porttitor nunc arcu et mauris. Suspendisse id justo id nisi suscipit porttitor. Pellentesque aliquet, leo id vestibulum eleifend, magna sem iaculis risus, quis volutpat turpis quam in tortor. Morbi euismod nulla aliquet felis. Sed nisi neque, fermentum sit amet, vestibulum et, pretium sit amet, tortor. Nulla egestas pede. Phasellus ac enim. Vivamus risus. Aliquam lacinia ante quis nibh. Curabitur velit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

  • Address: 29627 West Tech Dr.
                     Wixom, MI 48393
  • Toll Free: + 1 (855) 687 7941
  • Office: + 1 (248) 926 8810
  • Fax: + 1 (248) 926 9085
  • Email:

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Axsys Dental Solutions Annouce TrimExpert
The First Ever Automated Applicance Trimming Solution
Versamill 5X450
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